The Bibarch team’s lead architects have worked on a wide range of building areas (residential, office, retail, hotel, educational, cultural, health, infrastructure, town planning) in the private and public sectors, and together have over 60 years’ experience.

We have assembled a highly qualified network of professionals with a broad range of experiences who are ready to contribute to the success of your projects.

Zaloa Mayor Rueda

Lead Architect

Zaloa holds a Master’s Degree (MECES 3 – EQF 7) in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture in San Sebastian (ETSASS, 2001), including one year at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV).

She also holds a Diploma in Advanced Studies on Architectural Projects from the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Madrid (ETSAM), and a Course in Restoration of Emblematic Buildings from the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV).

Before founding Bibarch, she worked for MTM ARQUITECTOS (Madrid), METRICAtip ARQUITECTURA (Madrid) and more recently, RAFAEL DE LA HOZ ARQUITECTOS (Madrid), developing award winning international projects in Europe, Africa, Asia and America, which include a 250 metre tower in Morocco.

Zaloa has participated in various international congresses, seminars, panel discussions and debates organized by official bodies such as the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) and by specialist publications and private companies in the sector.

She has also been a lecturer at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Madrid (2017-2018) and taught on the Master in Façades at the University of the Basque Country (ETSASS-UPV) in 2019.

Carolina Fernández Catalán

Lead Architect

Carolina holds a Master’s Degree (MECES 3 – EQF 7) in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB, 2002), including one year at Universität der Künste Berlin (HDK).

Before founding Bibarch, she worked for MARTIN SCHREIBER ARCHITEKTUR (Hamburg), JOSEP MIÁS / ENRIC MIRALLES (Barcelona) and more recently, RAFAEL DE LA HOZ ARQUITECTOS (Madrid), developing award winning international projects in Europe, Africa, Asia and America, and collaborating with renowned architects such as CARLOS FERRATER (OAB) and FOSTER + PARTNERS.

Carolina has participated in a number of conferences, panel discussions and debates organized by official bodies such as the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) and by specialist publications and private companies in the sector.

She has also been a lecturer at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Madrid (2017-2018) and taught on the Master in Façades at the University of the Basque Country (ETSASS-UPV) in 2018.

Alberto Peris Caminero

Business Development Manager

Alberto holds a Master’s Degree (MECES 3 – EQF 7) in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture in La Coruña (ETSAC, 1995).

Before joining Bibarch, he founded and was the technical director of a number of companies devoted to architecture, construction and real estate development, such as the renowned “A-cero” architecture office, which took him all over the world.

As a result of his experiences, he is now equipped with a broad-based and privileged vision of the building business and its processes.